Bannonbrig Champions & K.C. Stud Book Award Winners

Welcome to our Gallery of Champions,

CC & Kennel Club Stud Book

Award Winners

Also includes pre CC Status Championship Best in Breed Winners

Bannonbrig George Gently (Harry b. 2012)
Bannonbrig Orlando Bloom (Oby b. 2011)
Bannonbrig Romeo Bravo (b. 2014)
Bannonbrig Brotherly Love for Jocagil ShCM (Deto b. 08)
Bannonbrig Pussycat Doll del Mavaya (Maya b. 2008)
Gd Champion Bannonbrig Basil Rathbone (Brinser b. 2011)
Champion Bannonbrig Regina Rude of Danien (Gina b.2012)
Champion Bannonbrig Lady May (Winnie b. 2009)
Irish Show Champion Bannonbrig Lady Marmalade (b. 2009)
Ir & NL Champion Bannonbrig Ralfie Rude (Marco b.2012)
Bannonbrig Bruce Almighty ShCM (Bruce b. 2008)
Show Champion Bannonbrig Al Fresco Sh CM (b. 2007)
Sh Ch Bannonbrig Love in A Mist (Misty born 2008)
Sh Ch Bannonbrig Rude Boy (Alfie b. 2008)
Sh Ch Bannonbrig Likely Lad ShCM (Aldo b. 2006)
Bannonbrig Juliet Bravo (Julie b. 2008)
Bannonbrig Mr Brightside (Sid b. 2011)
Bannonbrig Lady Madonna (Rosie b. 2009)
Bannonbrig Atomic Kitten ShCM (Lara b. 2008)
Bannonbrig Dita Von Tease (Darcey b. 2007)
Bannonbrig Baldassare (JJ b. 2004)
Bannonbrig Born to Love (Lulu b. 2004)
Bannonbrig Roy of The Rovers (Louis b. 2003)
Best of Breed Crufts 2007 Owned by Margaret Shields
Sh Ch Wynsett Dress to Kill for Bannonbrig (Teasa b.02)
Bannonbrig Luca No Further (Luca b. 1999)
Sh Ch Bannonbrig Buick (Jaffa b. 1998)
Sh Ch Bannonbrig Gorgeous George JW (George b. 1995)
Bannonbrig Gigi of Goldfly (Gigi b. 1989)
Bannonbrig Bellisima (Cleo b.84) Best Bitch Crufts 1987
Odivane Persephone of Bannonbrig (b.1982)
Odivane Persephone of Bannonbrig (b. 1982) Pictured right with her daughter Bannonbrig Bella Gina
Int & It Ch Dario del Mucrone at Bannonbrig (b. 1991)
International & Italian Champion Dario del Mucrone at Bannonbrig (Imported from Italy)
Bannonbrig Blazon Ambition (Sera b. 1994) Finland
Exported to Finland

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07.01 | 21:35

What show lead would you recommend for my 8 month old orange and white Spinone girl please?

10.10 | 00:18

Please let me know if you will be having any litters soon. We bought a “Daisy” from you (At 8 months old ) and she lived to a good old age .

06.10 | 18:23

Hi we are looking for an Otalian Spinone pupoy. Do you know of any?

05.10 | 22:26

I would love an italian spinone. Any age preferably not puppy any colour,we live in norfolk,semi retired and someone is always home. Please contact if one beco