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The Spinone gracing the top of this page is a beautiful portrait of Bannonbrig Lancia otherwise known as Jaffy, born in 1998 and drawn in pastel by his talented mum Jane Gill
Written by
Lynn Duxbury on
31. Dec, 2017
Hi,just enquiring if you are planning a litter of your beautiful Spinone puppies in 2018?We have been looking at the Spinone breed for almost a year now after losing our beloved Old English Sheepdog and are really impressed by your website and your beautiful
dogs.We live close to Lytham,I am at home full time and are looking for a male puppy.Many thanks.
Written by
nichola drummond on
18. Sep, 2016
its been 8 years next month since I lost my beautiful spinny gaby who I purchased from Diana and keith pattchet its time now for a new baby I would love to know if you plan on having a litter I'm looking for a girl orange or brown roan and we will wait
for the right dog
Written by
frederick on
15. Aug, 2016
hi will you have any spinone puppies in the near future
Written by
Lynda Corry on
11. Apr, 2016
Thank you. Looking forward to sharing my life with a member of the Bannonbrig family sometime in the future.
Written by
Tricia McNamara on
10. Feb, 2016
Wonderful website. Very informative. I enjoyed looking at your beautiful Spinoni.
Written by
Dani Pera on
29. Sep, 2014
Thanks to Nicola for our precious girl Gina! She is my constant shadow, we love her to bits, and most important she has made people here in SA get to know the breed! We are so lucky to have got to know these wonderful, kind and most loyal of family
members, we could not live without them!!
Written by
Kathy Parker on
15. Mar, 2014
What a super website - so informative and such beautiful dogs. As a Weimaraner keeper and lover of the past 35 years and currently in the process of nursing my beautiful rescue through his final illness, I find myself smitten with the idea of a Spinone
as my next companion. (There can never be another Weimaraner like my beloved Dexter). I once met 2 of the muddiest, wettest Spinoni ever in a branch of Waterstones and fell in love. Lately, I met another in the cancer ward at the local hospital where he was
a visitor and fell in love all over again. Hopefully, when the time is right, I will feel able to perhaps approach you for help in finding another life companion.
Written by
Cece Romero on
24. Nov, 2013
Wow! I am touched on all this remarkable work. How all of you spent so much time on these amazing unique dogs. How much effort put into these dogs is amazing! Bravo Spencers!
Written by
Dani Pera on
15. May, 2012
Wow! what beautiful dogs I must congratulate you! I am the only one in South Africa at the moment showing a Spinone, and it is my ambition to get this wonderful breed off the ground here.Valentino has done very well in the show ring winning puppy groups junior and groups and is now champion.
Written by
Katherine Sulivan on
23. Oct, 2011
Amy managed to find the smelliest stagnant pond she could, then go paddling in it,when we was on holiday in Norfolk.
Written by
Selina on
8. Sep, 2011
Love, love love the homepage Nic, thankyou so much for showing off this very special young lady Misty, and always love looking at your website :-)
Written by
Katherine Sullivan on
22. May, 2011
We are proud owners of a Bannonbrig puppy Amy who is now 5years and 9mnths she brings us much joy, she loves her cuddles,and kisses,but not as much as her food,and the odd swim even tho it may be a muddy puddle. Many thanks.
Written by
pamela on
11. Oct, 2010
seen one of your lovely boys today at tayvalley show~adorable i am in love again :-) maybe one day i will have one to join oor brood x
Written by
jane keating on
25. Sep, 2010
Such a beautiful gentle breed ,and i love the pictures of your Beautiful boys and girls.
Written by
Lydia Perham on
28. Aug, 2010
Beautiful website, gorgeous Spinoni! Hope we have the chance to meet up again soon, and have a long chat in person! Everyone here sends hugs and smooches to all of you and yours! xx